Building a lakeshore home or applying for a new pier within the Tahoe Basin, clients typically need to complete a scenic assessment for any activity requiring a TRPA permit. 3dfx Design has become an expert in TRPA Scenic Quality Standard codes. Having developed an in-depth understanding of scenic requirements mandated by the TRPA, 3dfx Design helps clients streamline through the complicated entitlement process. Years of Tahoe code experience and familiarity with the TRPA agency helps navigate clients through a scenic maze of requirements. Clients save time, money and maximize their project’s developmental footprint while still maintaining the architectural vision of their project.


New pier applications and requirements within the Tahoe Basin are increasing challenging to navigate.  Understanding scenic regulations is required.


We specialize in helping our clients navigate Scenic Baseline Analysis, CEQA documents and transportation VIAs.

Appendix H

Do you know what this means? We do!

“A scenic assessment shall be required prior to submittal of a project application for Levels 3, 4, 5, and 6 projects. The scenic assessment will establish a baseline scenic condition for all following scenic impact analyses. The baseline shall be the existing condition at the time of the first scenic assessment, unless the site is the subject of an existing TRPA approval, by litigation settlement or otherwise, that contains a scenic analysis, in which case the approved scenic analysis shall be the baseline. For purposes of this Section, unbuilt projects with an active permit shall be considered.” 

Visual Impact Assessments

In addition to Tahoe Basin Assessments, 3dfx Design can help with your Cal Trans VIAs or CEQA documentation.